1. 新客戶(hù)的市場(chǎng)開(kāi)發(fā)。落實(shí)和執行公司對區域市場(chǎng)的開(kāi)拓方針,及時(shí)發(fā)現客戶(hù)商機,不斷挖掘客戶(hù)資源。
New Customers market development. Implement the company's development policy for regional market, timely discover customer business opportunities, and constantly development customer resources.
2. 接受相關(guān)的培訓及進(jìn)行相關(guān)知識的自我培訓。
Accept relevant training and self-training of relevant knowledge.
3. 協(xié)助上級完成銷(xiāo)售目標、銷(xiāo)售模式、銷(xiāo)售戰略、銷(xiāo)售預算等工作。
Assist the superior to complete the sales target, sales mode, sales strategy, sales budget, etc.
4. 協(xié)助管理區域銷(xiāo)售工作,及時(shí)跟進(jìn)客戶(hù)或分銷(xiāo)商或者項目;
Assist to manage regional sales and follow up customers or distributors or projects in time;
5. 落實(shí)并完成責任地區內各渠道,月/季/年度營(yíng)銷(xiāo)指標。
Implement and complete the marketing indicators of each channel, month / quarter / year in the responsible area.
6. 配合市場(chǎng)推廣,提供相關(guān)的前沿技術(shù)信息和相關(guān)市場(chǎng)推廣資料。
Cooperate with market promotion and provide relevant cutting-edge technical information and relevant market promotion materials.
7. 及時(shí)分享信息和溝通客戶(hù)開(kāi)發(fā)過(guò)程中的問(wèn)題。
Timely share information and communicate problems in the process of customer development with superior.
8. 完成上級交給的其他任務(wù)。
Complete other tasks assigned by the superior.
1. 根據要求進(jìn)行平面廣告設計,標簽設計,內部溝通,確認設計后正式發(fā)出;
According to the requirements of the graphic advertising design, label design, internal communication, confirm the design after the official approval;
2. 根據要求負責所有經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商所需的廣告內容設計
Responsible for the design of advertising content required by all distributors according to the requirements, and formally issue after confirming the design and approval internally;
3. 負責色卡顏色電腦調色;
Responsible for computer color matching with color sample ;
4. 負責淘寶、京東、網(wǎng)站圖片設計及上架所有商品;
Responsible for Taobao, JD, website image design and displays of all goods in e-Shops;
5. 負責每天微信朋友圈的早安圖設計和發(fā)出;
Responsible for the design and delivery of Morning Picture through wechat for user cascading on daily basis ;
6. 其他上級要求或者交辦的事項。
Other tasks required or assigned by the superior.
1. 無(wú)機非金屬、應用化學(xué)、高分子材料等化學(xué)相關(guān)專(zhuān)業(yè),優(yōu)先考慮無(wú)機非金屬專(zhuān)業(yè);
2. 有涂料相關(guān)工作經(jīng)驗二年以上的優(yōu)先,有意向長(cháng)期從事涂料行業(yè)的應屆畢業(yè)生也可考慮;
3. 良好的團隊精神,具有較強的安全意識。